10 Min. Full Body Stretch | Beginner-Friendly | Daily Routine for Flexibility

10 Min Full Body Stretch is wonderful, feel good stretch routine from Julia Reppel. In this routine you will do some dynamic stretching as well as static stretching. She stretches your entire body but I did feel like your upper body got more work, which is fine since most routines I do seem to do the opposite–focus more on the lower body. I used this on my recovery day after doing Julia’s Primal X Animal Style mobility routine followed by her lower body foam rolling routine. This was the perfect way to finish off my recovery day workout.

This stretch is done interval style: 40 seconds of stretching followed by a 12 second transition. There is a timer in the lower left hand side of the screen counting down your intervals and transitions. During the transition Julia previews the next stretch. For some of the stretches there is a video in the upper left side of the screen showing a different variation of the stretch.

10 Min Full Body Stretch is 13:30 minutes. Equipment: fitness mat.

  1. 90-90 sit > lean (sit on mat with one leg bent at 90 degrees in front of you and the other leg bent beside/behind you, hinge torso forward over front leg; after 20 seconds swap leg positions)
  2. Mountain climber > hamstring bow (start in deep kneeling lunge with hands on mat beside front foot, shift hips back toward heel of back leg, straightening front leg then shift back into deep kneeling lunge, flow between these two positions)
  3. Repeat #2 on other side of body
  4. Lying quad stretch (lay on stomach, bring one heel to same glute and hold top of foot with same side hand, push hips into floor)
  5. Repeat #4 on other leg
  6. Walk the dog (in downward facing dog, pedal feet)
  7. Alternating forearm extensor stretch (get on all 4s on mat, one hand is fisted and the other the back of the hand is on the mat with fingers facing opposite fist, hold briefly to stretch then swap hand positions)
  8. Thread the needle (halfway through interval change sides)
  9. Child’s pose on fingertips (wide leg child’s pose, arms extended out in front of you with fingertips pressed into mat and palms raised off mat)
  10. Trapezius stretch (in double kneeling on mat and lean neck toward one shoulder, same side hand rests on top of head pulling it down gently toward shoulder, other arm is behind back; halfway through interval change sides)
  11. Eagle pose (still in double kneeling, arms are wrapped around each other in front of you in eagle pose, round upper back; halfway through interval, swap arm positions)
  12. Book opener (lay on back on mat, one arm is extended on floor straight to side, same side leg is extended long, other arm hand is behind head and same side leg is bent and pulled across body to other side, bring elbow to tap the inside of extended arm then open it to other side so bent arm rests on floor)
  13. Repeat #12 on other side of body
  14. Happy baby pose
  15. 60 seconds of deep breathing (lay on back, knees are bent and open to sides with soles of feet together, relax and take deep breaths)

For more info on Julia Reppel and other (free) streaming workouts I’ve sampled and reviewed, check out my Streaming page.

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