URX-MT: High Intensity Metabolic Circuit with Resistance Bands

High Intensity Metabolic Circuit with Resistance Bands is the 7th workout in the URX-MT fitness program. This is the second URX-MT workout led by Gregg Cook. Gregg did the first workout in the URX-MT program (Metabolic Intervals and Circuits) and I didn't care for his workout when I did it. However, I do like this … Continue reading URX-MT: High Intensity Metabolic Circuit with Resistance Bands

URX-MT: Metabolic Intervals and Circuits

URX-MT stands for Urban Rebounding Extreme Metabolic Training. I actually bought the entire series as a program. The program is made up of 13 workouts but you can buy each workout individually on the Urban Rebounder site, so that is how I will be reviewing them. The program apparently originally came with more than just … Continue reading URX-MT: Metabolic Intervals and Circuits