30 Min. Full Body Mobility | Primal x Animal Style | Intermediate-Advanced

30 Min. Full Body Mobility | Primal X Animal Style is a very active mobility routine. This is the second Julia Reppel routine I’ve done. This workout starts slow, warming you up, then continues to build until you get to the ape and crab movements. I actually started sweating during this routine! This workout takes you through all ranges of motion and works your entire body. There is mobility and dynamic flexibility. To build my hour of morning exercise I also did two more of her workouts after I completed this workout. A foam rolling workout and a total body stretch. They will both post later this week. I very much like Julia’s routine and I am so glad a reader of this blog recommended her to me! Thank you! 🙏🏻 I plan to do some of her mobility and stretch routines over the next few weeks.

This workout is done interval style. Each exercise is done for 30-40 seconds followed by 12-15 seconds of transition. There is a timer in the bottom left corner of the screen counting down the intervals and transitions. During the transition Julia previews the next exercise. When there is a easier or more advanced variations available it is also previewed and a small video showing it remains in the upper left hand corner of the screen during the interval. There is also a progress bar in the upper right hand corner of the screen counting down the workout time as a percentage.

30 Min. Full Body Mobility | Primal X Animal Style is 30:27 minutes. Equipment: fitness mat.

  1. T-spine circles standing (hands are behind head, circle upper body, elbows are wide at top of circle and close together at bottom)
  2. Shoulder rolls (get on hands and knees on mat with arms wide, alternate lowering one shoulder to mat)
  3. Child’s pose > rotation (lower body is in wide leg child’s pose, one arm is extended on front of you on mat, other arm is behind head, open elbow, twisting torso toward ceiling then lower elbow, twisting spine to bring elbow under body; halfway through interval change sides
  4. 90-90 transitions (sit in pretzel with one leg in front of you with knee bent at 90 degrees and the other bent behind you, hinge torso forward over front leg, alternate which leg is in front)
  5. Ankle sit rocks (sit on knees with tops of feet on mat and glutes resting on heels, shift forward and place your hands on the mat, lift feet so toes are on mat and shift glutes back toward heels while raising knees off mat, lower knees and repeat sequence)
  6. Hand assisted squat (deep yogi squat with hands on mat in front of you, shift body around while holding squat)
  7. Spinal curl > squat (start standing, roll down into forward fold then lower glutes into deep yogi squat, lift upper body and open arms wide, reverse this motion rolling back up to standing)
  8. Wrist flexion push ups (get on hands and knees, backs of hands are on mat with fingers pointing toward each other, bend elbows lowering head/chest toward mat then raise back to start)
  9. Kipping table > shoulder extension (raise into crab/reverse tabletop, shift body toward feet so knees go past feet, stretching shoulders, lower glutes to mat between hands)
  10. Quad stretch walk (sit on mat with hands behind hips, feet are on mat but staggered, lift hips into crab while shifting forward, lower glutes back to mat, switch foot position and repeat)
  11. Repeat #8-10
  12. Cat-cow wave (start in child’s pose, round spine into cat while coming out of child’s pose, arch back into cow while shifting hips back to child’s pose)
  13. Half cossack > rotation (rest on one knee with other leg extended out straight to side, reach one arm to ceiling (same arm as kneeling leg) then bring arm under body thread the needle style)
  14. Cossack squat switches (stationary alternating side lunges, keeping glutes low even when changing sides)
  15. Repeat #12
  16. Repeat #13 on other side of body
  17. Repeat #14
  18. Beast > ape reach > opener (start in beast (on hands and toes w/ knees bent and elevated off mat), shift back into deep yogi squat, raise upper body while in squat, opening arms wide in T)
  19. Ape > crab transition (start in deep yogi squat, place hands on mat to side and bring one leg under body, turning body so you are in crab, reverse movement returning to yogi squat, alternate sides)
  20. Ape > crab + reach (repeat #19 but when you are in crab, raise hips high while reaching one arm to ceiling, alternate sides)
  21. Repeat #18-20
  22. Movement exploration for 3 minutes (#5 + #18 + #19 + #7 + #5 + #20 + yogi squat to forward fold + rounding spine and opening arms to sides while in yogi squat + #9 + #10 + crab while reaching one arm to ceiling + end in deep yogi squat)
  23. 30 second rest
  24. Forearm self-massage (get on all 4s, lower one elbow/forearm to mat underneath body, palm facing upward, place opposite knee on forearm and move it around massaging it)
  25. Repeat #24 on other arm
  26. Sphynx + squat stretch (lay on stomach, bend one knee and hold top of foot with same side hand, pulling heel into glute, other forearm rests on mat, elbow under shoulder and chest lifted in sphynx)
  27. Repeat #26 on other side of body
  28. Knee circles on back (lay on back with legs raised and knees, hands on knees circle bent legs)

For more info on Julia Reppel and other (free) streaming workouts I’ve sampled and reviewed, check out my Streaming page.

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