
Rip:60 is a progressive workout program that uses a suspension band and a kettlebell. The program is 8 weeks long. It has 8 main workouts and 4 bonus workouts. The program comes with a workout schedule that has you working out 5 days a week with 2 rest days. When you get to the second half of the program you can have 3 rest days if you wish. It is structured so that you do one workout for an entire week, before moving on to the next workout. The workouts get more difficult each week and build upon each other. Jeremy Strom is the trainer for the 8 week program. He is a very upbeat and motivational trainer who did a great job. Though the straps are the basis of the program, you do not use them for every move. The workouts are circuit based and go between strength and cardio so that it is frequently an interval program. Like most workouts, the intensity depends on you. With weight lifting, if you lift heavier, you work harder. In Rip:60 you’re using your body weight for resistance, so you change your position (“optimization” as Jeremy calls it) and you increase or decrease the intensity.

Possible negatives: The strap is mounted in a doorway. If you don’t have a doorway near a TV this could be an issue. You can purchase a mount for the ceiling and connect the strap there, but for me, this was impractical. I think that would be the ideal way to use the strap (mounted to the ceiling) but my workout room is a room that was added onto our house by previous owners and the ceiling would not accommodate my bodyweight hanging from it! Luckily, I have a doorway near enough to the workout-TV to make it work just fine for me. However, using it in doorway limits the way you can do some of the moves. Not drastically—they are all still doable. The straps used on the DVD are hung from the ceiling, so you can see that the DVD exercisers have more freedom of movement in certain moves than doorway users. This was most obvious during one of the bonus workouts: GSP’s Lean Muscle.

The straps themselves are easy to use and adjust. I read a lot of the Amazon reviews about this product and some people had problems adjusting them. I have no input on that because I had zero problem. It worked just like the instructions said it worked. So maybe that was the problem? They didn’t bother to read the instructions?

The program comes with a food plan as all good workout programs do. This one was unimpressive. It gives a general calorie count and macronutrient break down for each day (weeks 1-4 you eat approx 1300 calories; weeks 5-8 you eat approx. 1500-1700 calories—there is an optional snack). Calorie counts and nutritional breakdown are not listed for each individual meal/snack/day. I looked through it but didn’t follow it. Like any workout program, if you want to lose weight/fat, 80% of it happens in the kitchen. You can have the best fitness program around but then eat your way through every calorie burned—and hide all the muscle you create under a layer of fat. So eat clean, eat the appropriate amount of calories, do the workouts and you’ll get results.

OK, on to the workouts:

Week 1 Wake Up Your Body: 50 minutes long; 18 minute warm up, 22 minute training round and 10 minute cool down/stretch. Because the program is progressive, I found the first week pretty easy; however it wasn’t a waste of time. I’ve never used a suspension band before, so it did get me familiar with it. Also, there was an intense little circuit at the end—4 minutes of jumping jacks. Not your basic jumping jacks either. He varies the arm and feet moves throughout. The warm up is long, but very well put together. You literally warm up every muscle and joint in your body. The cool down/stretch is lovely. I especially love it after the more difficult workouts in later weeks. You do the exact same cool down every week, except week 4 which has no cool down/stretch.

Week 2 Hyperburn: 53 minutes long; 14 minute warm up, 29 minute training round and 10 minute cool down/stretch. Week 2 is a more respectable workout. Still not the intensity I am accustomed to, but I liked it. The warm up is shorter and a bit more intense. The pin is removed from the suspension band and “rotation” is introduced. You get on the ground for the first time this week with your feet in the straps. And he doesn’t neglect the jumping jack circuit. It’s still there to kick your butt.

Week 3 Turn and Burn: 55 minutes long; 14 minute warm up, 31 minute training round and 10 minute cool down/stretch. Week 3 really kicks it up a notch. Much more challenging. The first move after the warm up is burpees—for a solid minute! He ends the workout with jump lunges. Once again—you get your jumping jack circuit in there as well!

Week 4 Recharge: 60 minutes; 18 minute warm up 42 minute training round. You’ll go back to week 1’s warm up—the longest and easiest of them all. Then you do a long, repetitive yoga routine. I did not like this workout. I suppose it had its purpose. I didn’t feel that I needed a recovery week, but Jeremy stresses throughout the workout how it is preparing you for the next 4 weeks, so I did it as directed. You do a yoga circuit 3 times on each side for a total of 6 times. The circuit starts with a Sun Salutation, which I always enjoy, but then ends with balance moves—which I do not enjoy. There is no cool down.

Week 5 Build it Up: 60 minutes; 17 minute warm up, 33 minute training round and 10 minute cool down/stretch. This is where this program gets serious. This week the program started to finally get into the intensity I am accustomed to and looking for in a workout. You also start using the kettle bell this week. The warm up is long again, but more intense—it included plank jacks and mountain climbers. This same warm up will be used for the next 4 weeks. Don’t worry! In addition to making everything with the suspension band harder, you still get burpees, jumping jacks and jump lunges! You will also be putting one foot into the bands to do one legged squats—so I guess Jeremy did have a reason to make you do lots of balance yoga in week 4.

Week 6 Power and Strength: 65 minutes; 17 minute warm up, 38 minute training round and 10 minute cool down/stretch. In my opinion, this was the hardest workout of the entire 8 weeks and the one that I will come back to again and again. It was incredibly intense. It worked the abs so hard—and mostly in plank position with your feet in the straps. You still get your burpees, jumping jacks and jump lunges, but in addition, he decides to throw burpees into the middle of other cardio moves. Amazing. Intense. The best workout of the 8, I think. I am wiped out by the end and loving the long cool/down stretch.

Week 7 Pedal to the Metal: 52 minutes; 17 minute warm up, 25 minute training round and 10 minute cool down/stretch. This workout is shorter but still intense. This workout seems more interval based. The circuits are shorter and faster—and you do several of them in a row then take a 30 second recovery. Another new aspect is that the jumping jack circuit is gone—a cause for celebration you’d think… Until jacks reappear at the end in a new way. Previous workouts ended with a minute of jump lunges—hard enough. This one has 3-4 minute montage burnout. He takes it all—jump lunges, jumping jacks, speed runners, burpees—and throws them together so that you are about to collapse at the end.

Week 8 The Peak: 52 minutes; 17 minute warm up, 25 minute training round and 10 minute cool down/stretch. The Peak is a good name for this. Still not as hard as week 6 in my opinion, but it comes close. New move? Mountain climbers with your feet in the straps. Plank T push ups with your feet in the straps (so hard!). Holding positions for some very challenging isometric moves. And he ends with a similar burn out montage like week 7.

I found I really liked this 8 week program. I am a program junky. I’ve done a lot of them (P90X, Insanity, TurboFire, Peak Fit Challenge and ChaLean Extreme) and while I liked all of them, they became repetitive after a while. By the end of the programs I am sick of the workouts and ready to move on to something new. With Rip:60, every week is a brand new workout. True, the works are similar, but they are also different enough to keep interest fresh.

The program schedule doesn’t include the 4 bonus workouts and gives no information or suggestions on how they should be incorporated into the program. So I just did them in the same manner as the rest of the program. One a week. Here’s how it turned out:

Jillian Michaels Fat Shred: 23 minutes; 4 minute warm up, 14 minute training round and 5 minute cool down. When I initially received Rip:60, this was the type of workout I expected. Not the length, necessarily (though that is classic Jillian Michaels—short & sweet—and super intense!), but the fact that every single move in this workout uses the band/strap. Though the warm up and cool down are short, you will recognize all of the moves as they are ones that Jeremy uses in his warm ups and cool downs. The training round is pretty intense and fast paced. Again, lots of familiar moves; you do each for a minute then quickly move onto the next one. No time to adjust bands. The first time I did the workout I had the remote control nearby to pause it. After that, I just kept the straps at the lowest level. You use optimization after all, so I just moved farther away, or closer, depending on the move. Though it is a short workout, it is intense and hits every muscle. The lower body moves in particular were painful. She ends with 4 of them—one right after the other, each for a solid minute: mountain climbers, supine flutter kicks, then in plank (swimmers) and finally crunches with hip raises (feet in straps of course). My legs were aching afterward. Do I do this work out alone? No; even though it is a solid workout, 23 minutes is not adequate workout time for me, so I combine it with another 30 minute workout. If you want to stick with Rip:60 you can do the Runners workout (44 minutes) or the yoga workout (29 minutes). I did Jillian Michael’s Ripped in 30 workouts to really brutalize myself. One con to this workout was that there is no timer! In Jeremy’s workouts we get a timer for the majority of the moves so you have an idea when the pain will end. No timer here. I would have really liked that timer during the last 4 moves on the floor!

Georges St. Pierre (GSP) Lean Muscle: No warm up or cool down. Training period 37 minutes. There is a lot to say about this workout, but let me start with—holy cow! This is the mother of all Rip:60 workouts! Every time I do this one all my muscles are trembling at the end. It is an advanced total body cardio + strength workout. This workout has no warm up or cool down. However both are needed. Jeremy narrates this workout, giving all of the instructions and even he says, more than once, to make sure you do the warm up and cool down. And yet, no warm up and cool down is provided on the disk. I found this irritating. So, you can create your own warm up/cool down, or do what I did. I used Week 3’s warm up since it is one of the shortest (14 minutes) and then just popped it back in after GSP’s workout was finished for the 10 minute cool down/stretch. So that added approx 24 minutes to the workout, rounding it out to a solid hour. The workout has 5 “rounds”—like a boxing (or MMA) match. Each round is approx 5 minutes long and contains 5 moves. Each move is done for 30 seconds and then repeated, bringing you to your 5 minutes. Then you get a 30 second recovery in which GSP gives you a few motivational words. Good news—your timer is back (it was absent in Jillian Michael’s workout). Every move is done with the strap and each round gets progressively harder, so that by the final round you are doing advanced moves like one legged burpees with one foot in the strap. There are a few moves in this workout that would work much better if your strap is secured to the ceiling rather than a doorway. Having a door behind you makes the move awkward and difficult to do properly. But this “con” is present in only a few moves—not all of them. Overall it is an excellent, intense workout that I plan to come back to again and again.

Power Yoga 28 minutes, no warm up or cool down. Jeremy is back, leading this bonus workout. I really liked Power Yoga more than I expected to. I liked it much more than Week 4 Yoga. One thing I enjoyed about this yoga workout was that you use the strap–in week 4 you only used the strap for the warm up (which was not yoga), then did all the yoga sans strap. You start out with 2 sun salutations (all sun salutations are done without the strap), then you do warrior poses using the strap. This is another situation, particularly with warrior 2, where having your straps mounted to the ceiling would make these moves work better. I found with my strap in the doorway, warrior 2 just didn’t work the way it did for the DVD exercisers. You do another sun salutation before doing the warrior poses on the other side. Another sun salutation, then you do the dancer pose using the strap. I really liked this. I have horrible balance but using the strap for the dancer made it doable for me (same with warrior 3, actually)! Another sun salutation and finish with pigeon on each leg. It was a relaxing little yoga workout and for me, it was just the right length.

For Runners 44 minutes; 12 minute warm up, 22 minute training period and 10 minute cool down. This was an interesting and effective workout. Jeremy leads this workout and throughout, explains how each move (including warm up moves) benefit a runner. It has the shortest warm up and though the warm up has a lot of familiar components, it has a lot of new ones, as well. There are only a few new moves in this workout. IMHO, it is kind of a review of most of the Rip:60 moves you learned over the past 8+ weeks, and there is nothing wrong with that. It doesn’t have much of a cardio component like his other workouts do, but again, that’s ok. It is mainly strength focused. It does have some cardio tho–some plyo jumps, some burpees, a few other moves that get the heart rate up. The length of time a move is done is varied–he introduces a 20/60 structure, where you do a move for 60 seconds but vary the intensity every 20 seconds. He also does some moves for 60 seconds and others for 30/60. It was a mix of everything. He ended with the standard cool down that is in most of the other workouts. Overall, it is a solid workout and I liked it. I felt like I got a good workout but it wasn’t the intensity I am accustomed to and prefer. I might use it in the future as a recovery day workout.

17 thoughts on “Rip:60

  1. Please help I just got the system set up and when watching the video I keep hearing him say face away from the anchor ??? Ok I’m new to this but someone explain…


    1. I don’t remember that phrase. Give me a specific workout title and how far into the workout he says it so I can watch it. I’ll have a better idea then.


  2. I’m reading as much as I can about suspension training and have to admit I am intrigued…I am a 62 year old female, always been active, play intense racquetball, have done some weights before, but now I want something different other than my treadmill …I want to keep and stay in shape and would like your suggestions on rip60 for us “older folks!! To me, age is only a number and I want to stay active as long as I can walk !! I’ve been told I am not your typical 62 yr old female and I just smile as I’ve always tried to stay lean and healthy..I want ripped abs ! any advice/help you can give I will appreciate and I may even do a before and after if all goes well!! I had lower back surgery a few years ago, so I watch how I do things..Thank you for your time !!


    1. I think that is an excellent idea and I plan to do the same–never stop exercising and challenging myself! And yes, I think suspension training is an excellent way to work your core. Many of the moves hit your core hard. The beauty of suspension training and this program in particular is you can change your position to make the exercises more challenging–so it naturally grows with you as you gain strength. As far as making your abs “visibly” ripped–that work is done in the kitchen. You can have an 8 pack and never see it because of the way you eat (not you specifically–anyone exercising). The key is cut out processed foods, sugar and empty carbs. And eat plenty of protein. That’s the best way to get rid of excess fat so that your ab muscles are visible.


  3. Thanks a lot for your detailed answer!
    It help me a lot…yeah the Russian twist is very challenging 😉


  4. What a great review! Even if you post it more than 2 years ago I found it very accurate and helpful.
    I’m quite new to that kind of training and decided to go for the rip 60 because of the affordable price and detailed workouts.
    Now I’ll start the week 4 recovery on Monday and until now I like it a lot. I don’t have your experience so for me the 3 first week were challenging I’m still facing some difficulties with some drills . the most important is that the workouts keep your interest and I’m still motivated to complete the program .
    After the next week I’ll need to buy a kettlebell (for week 5)
    Have a nice week end and once again thanks for sharing !


    1. thanks! I am glad you find it helpful. I really love that program and return to it from time to time. I like to do it for a week between strength training–it gives me a whole different type of strength training! And since I’ve discovered Mark Lauren‘s bodyweight workouts I have been wanting to create a rotation using Rip:60 workouts and Mark Lauren workouts. He has a sort of suspension trainer, too that comes with workouts. I have had on my wishlist for a while, but haven’t yet bought it. One day!


      1. That’s great if you still like that program! I’ll search about the Mark Lauren workouts also its good to know that we have more options to combine later
        About the kettlebell maybe you can help me about the recommended weight to buy for the next week…
        I don’t know if I should by an adjustable one (if I’ll found one like that here…) or just a classic one ( around 10 kg? I’m ~83kg)


      2. The heavier the kettlebell the better the workout you will get; however, you also have to be able to control it–so going too heavy would be bad. I recommend more than one kettlebell. You can get an adjustable, but adjusting them takes time so you have to be willing (and have the time) to pause a workout to change the weight if you need to. I have several kettlebells–8, 10, 15, 20 and an adjustable that goes up to 50 pounds (I keep it at 25 or 30 pounds). I never use the 8 pound kettlebell anymore, rarely use the 10 pound one. The rest of my kettlebells get lots of use. I use the adjustable one for heavy type of work–kettlebell swings, back rows, deck squats, deadlifts, suitcase squats, tactical lunges–that type of thing. Everything else gets the 20# and 15# kettlebells. But during any kettlebell workout I always use more than one kettlebell. It all depends on how heavy you can lift. But for things like kettlebell swings you can always go heavier than you think you can and the heavier the better.


      3. Also–in reference to Rip:60 specifically, I didn’t have all of the kettlebells I now own when I first did it, so I actually used a dumbbell for most of it because my 8 and 10 pound kettlebells were too light for me back then. I think I did use my 10 pound one for the Russian Twists, but a dumbbell for everything else.


  5. Hello 2lazy2gym,
    I liked how detailed your reviews are! I’m also working at home for a while now, but I started mostly with Internet fitness videos, I got tired of planning what to do next, so I got a home system dvd, and I must admist that I’m really enjoying it, even if the first weeks I felt it wasn’t enough challenging for me (I was using my sandbag and dumbbells b4, among other pieces of equipment). I’m on week 8 of Les Mills Pump, I got sore for the first time last week for a work out called “Pump Revolution” loved it!
    Anyways, I’m planning what I’ll be doing next. My bf gave me as gift “The Rack Workout” last mother’s day, I so insisted I wanted it (I was needing a dip station for some of my workouts, but then I saw it cames with dvds workouts! And the price was almost the same for a dip station I wanted b4, so I ended wanting this one), that I think I’ll be doing it next, and it has just positive reviews from people who has actually tried it with the workouts. Seeing that you have already completed Rip:60 and ChaLean Extreme and doing STS now, I love strenght training alot, and I have Rip:60 already waiting for me for a while now b4 getting pregnant, so I though to give it a go after The Rack rotation system. But, then I’d like to try ChaLean Extreme, P90X , Body Revolution or STS, I enjoy using my barbell alot with Les Mills Pump (first time using a barbell), but then it seems STS is very advanced and I don’t think I’m on that level yet, I tried a core Cathe routine a year and a half ago with sliding discs, and I couldn’t even finish it… It was BRUTAL!
    So, I’d like your advice, on what you think I could do next in order to advance in level of fitness (Rip:60, STS, ChaLean Extreme, Body Revolution and P90X), as you already know all of those programs and I’d like to try them in a future!
    Your help would be very appreciated!!
    Best Regards!!


    1. Hello Trying2bFit! I’m so glad you are finding the reviews helpful! I am really interested in Les Mills Pump. It is on my “buy one day” list–along with a lot of others. Unfortunately I cannot even seem to keep up with what I own anymore, but I still want more! I’ve never heard of the Rack workout so I had to look it up. I found a piece of fitness equipment called The Rack–is that what you are referring to?

      You ask some good questions! Each of the programs are individual, depending on what you are looking for. For example, if you are at a very low level of fitness, I would recommend Body Revolution and/or ChaLean Extreme. Here is why. Body Revolution is progressive and starts at a beginners level and works you up to advanced level. She also gives modifications even in phase 3 if you still aren’t at that level. So that program, can improve your fitness greatly. It is primarily metabolic weight training however, which is great, but if you are looking to build muscle (hypertrophy), then you will want to do ChaLean Extreme. It is also progressive though unlike Body Revolution, it is focused on strength training. Rip:60 is also progressive, but I look at that program as more of a cross-training type workout. It is very core and cardio focused. I really enjoy those workouts and think they do a great job, but I do them more as a “recovery” period from lifting iron–does that makes sense? I don’t mean recovery as in they are easy, but they build strength and fitness differently, so it offers a great opportunity to advance your fitness but in a different way—cross-training for me since I like to lift iron!

      Finally P90X and STS are more advanced weight training–and in that order. STS is the most advanced strength training program I have ever done. It is also equipment heavy and P90X, though advanced, uses much less equipment than STS. And it also isn’t as difficult. Neither of them are progressive either. P90X is pretty much the same level throughout. STS changes but for the purpose of periodization and muscle confusion. I personally think there is no better home weight-lifting program out there than STS.


      1. Hello 2lazy4gym!
        I’m really glad for your fast reply! Thank you very much!!
        I’d consider myself an intermediate exerciser, and lifting irons heavier than ever before, and I must admit that I’m enjoying it so much! So I feel you when you say that! But there are a lot of things I need to improve on my fitness journey! Like to be able to do pull ups, dips and push ups like a big girl! 🙂 The day I could achieve those ones I’ll be soooo proud of myself! Haha!! My strenght was improving b4 getting pregnant, but then I had to stop working out at the beginning and to be careful, and then I could do it moderately, now 5 months post pregnancy I’m ready to get in track. I’m surprise how my 10kg sandbag help me improve in ways I didn’t expect b4 starting the system I’m doing now, for example in Les Mills Pump, I’m lifting heavier than the girls trainers, and lifting almost the same than the boys, (watching the suggested weights for each exercise, I’m often lifting on the advanced side and sometimes heavier), but I don’t understand why I have got DOMS just once so far, I feel I get a good workout though, and I don’t stop for breaks! But then in hardcore abs workout I need to modified an exercise to be able to do it, so I need to improve my core strength and arms.
        I have tried a couple of Dvds from Jillian Michaels, and I loved them!! With all that yelling I feel like I’m in the army! lol and that pushed me to not stop!
        About “The Rack” if it looks like a pimped walker, that’s the one I’m talking about! It is very sturdy I’ve tried it a little and I love it so far, I can’t wait to try the Dvds. It comes with a nutrition guide, a rotation calendar and 8 workouts dvds.
        About your suggestion, I like it very much! I’ve all the equipment to do P90X, but not enough to do STS, but then I think I need to improve a bit more before tempting to do any of those, so I think I’ll try to follow the order you suggested since Body Revolution and ChaLean are on my wishing list for a while now, and I already have Rip:60, and then after those ones maybe I will be ready to try P90X and then STS.
        I know what you meant about wanting more and more! Sometimes I feel bad about it, but I can help myself, fitness equipment are like toys for me!! I wanna try them all!! And workouts dvd systems are now my new obsetion! Oh my..!
        Wishing you a great day/night ahead of you!
        Thanks again for the kind help! It was very appreciated!!
        Best regards!!


      2. If you want to improve push ups and pull ups, both P90X and Cathe work you hard in those areas. For pull ups, Cathe only does those in STS workouts, but she does push ups in everything–especially Gym Styles, Xtrain and STS. One of my goals when I did P90X (well before I did STS or even started doing Cathe workouts) was to be able to do a lot of push ups on my toes and unassisted pull ups. I achieved both of those with P90X. I never did keep doing pull ups, but I never stopped with the push ups and I can still do a lot on my toes–thanks to Cathe now. Doing her workouts always keeps me doing lots of push ups. But I am starting over on the pull ups with STS. However, now that I own a squat rack/bench press I can modify them much better/more effectively than I was able to with P90X (I used the bands to modify when I did P90X–then did assisted pull ups until I could do some unassisted pull ups–I was never able to do a lot of unassisted pull ups, btw). I feel like using the squat rack/bench press for modified pulls ups hits the same muscles groups as a regular pull up and more effectively/powerfully than using the bands. But I do feel the bands do a great job, too–it’s just not the same as a pull up, even a modified pull up.

        I’m so interested in Les Mills Pump! It sounds like such excellent workouts. I wish I could get it now! Ha–but I have to be realistic. I’m not even finished with STS yet and I still have to do P90X2 and Asylum. I need to wait! How do you use sandbags? That is something else I am unfamiliar with. And don’t worry about not getting DOMS every time you workout. I don’t. I know I am getting a great workout if I struggled through it and felt the burn in my muscles, and generally lifted to failure. And my muscles will usually burn for hours afterward, but then stop–so no DOMS. I’m fine by that evening and no soreness the next day. DOMS generally hits when you do something new or increase your weights. So if you are doing the same workouts but not getting sore anymore, that doesn’t mean you aren’t still getting a benefit, just that your muscles have become accustomed to the workouts. And that is fine–to a certain point. But after 4-6 weeks, you need to either change your workout or increased your weights. Then you’ll probably get another bit of DOMS and then it will disappear again until you change your workout routine or up your weights again.

        And yes, the accumulation of fitness equipment and workouts is my “toy” collection. I love them and want to use them all. Unfortunately there is never enough time in the day/week/month/year to do everything I want to!


      3. Hello 2lazy4gym!

        I hope you had a great weekend! Congratulations on reaching your goals in being able to do pull ups and push ups! I bet it feel amazing ah?!! I know it is not easy! So big respect to you! You inspire me to keep it up and I will until I can do them! I have pull up bar than you can place on the door frame, but since I must I haven’t find I door which let me place it (more of them have a wall next to the door), there is just one left to try it out, if not I will to modify with resistance tubing or to seat on the door and try to do it with The Rack I just got a lil while ago, let’s see how that works.

        I like Les Mills Pump, the workout are great specially Pump Revolution and Pump Extreme (55mins. each), there are another 45 and 30 mins workouts, and 20 mins Pump challenge to get familiarized with the program at the beginning, I like the longer ones better, they’re more challenging and the instructors are great motivators, I like that the trainers come from dif. countries so there are dif. accents! P90X2 looks pretty awesome, I have read great reviews about it and so the Asylum… Omg, just watching Insanity and the Asylum made me nervous! Haha! I don’t know if one day I’ll have the courage to do those ones! lol

        I’ve discovered Peak Fit Challenge reading one of your other reviews, I not even knew that one existed! I went to youtube to check it out, and it looks pretty good too. Did you like it? And while looking for that one, I just discovered another new one: JNL Fusion Fitness System (by Jennifer Nicole Lee), it has good reviews as well! This never ends!

        Thanks for explaining me about DOMS, I was wondering myself if I wasn’t doing good, or if I wasn’t enough challenged, but I do feel I get a good workout when I’m done, and I certain struggled through some exercises and after 6 weeks I’ve increased the weights a bit, I already can see some muscle definiton on my arms, there are 5 weeks left, so I can’t wait to see what the results will be.

        Sandbag is used for “functional training” (“is a classification of exercise which involves training the body for the activities performed in daily life”); you can do almost every exercise you do with dumbbells and/or barbells, but because the weight shifting (the sand), it is more challenging and you have to use your core and stabilizer muscles to perform the exercise properly. Here is a link if you want to read a bit about the benefits of sandbag training: I got the power package from ultimate sandbag training almost 2 years ago, it’s very confortable to use and it’s still going strong.

        Your last paragraph is So true… There is not enough time to try them all! Haha


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