30 Min. Weighted Mobility Workout | KB or DB-friendly | Full Body Strength & Conditioning

For this weighted mobility workout, you can also use a kettlebell instead of dumbbells but since for at least one exercise you need two dumbbells or kettlebells that are the same weight, dumbbells are probably a better option. But that is because, other than my adjustable kettlebell, I only have kettlebells in a single weight, not pairs like my dumbbells. But if you have kettlebells in pairs then go for it.

This was a really nice mobility workout from Julia Reppel. I didn’t know what to expect from this since dumbbells are used. The use of weight deepens some of the stretches and enhances the mobility work. You do get some strength work in this workout, too. It was never hard work, but some of the moves were definitely more “work” than other moves. I combined this with her beginner friendly 30 Min Mobility Flow so that I ended my recovery day workout with something more easy and feel good.

The mobility exercises are done interval style: 35-50 seconds of work followed by a 12-15 second transition. During the transition Julia previews the next exercise. For some of the exercises another variation is displayed in a video in the upper left hand corner of the screen. A timer in the lower left hand corner of the screen counts down the intervals and transitions. There is a progress bar in the upper right hand corner of the screen counting down the workout time as a percentage.

30 Min Weighted Mobility Workout is 30 minutes. Equipment: dumbbells or kettlebells and a fitness mat. Julia is using 8kg/17.6 dumbbells. The weights listed below are what I used. I chose heavy enough weights to make the moves effective but not so heavy that this became more of a strength workout than a recovery workout.

  1. Half lunge rocks (in kneeling lunge, place the bell of one DB on top of thigh near knee, rock forward and back, pushing knee past toes) (one 20# DB)
  2. Repeat #1 on other side of body
  3. 90-90 switch > hip extension (sit on mat with legs wide, knees bent and feet on mat, lower knees to one side so they are both on mat with both legs bent at 90 degrees, place one hand on mat and lift hips, reaching other arm overhead and to the side, lower hips, raise knees back to start and repeat on other side)
  4. Internal > external rotation (hinge forward at hips keeping spine straight, raise arms to shoulder height with arms bent at 90 degrees so arms are in goal post, keeping arms stationary from elbows to shoulders, lower forearms downward then return to start)
  5. Lockouts (hold one DB in both hands, extend arms/DB to ceiling, keep arms/DB extended overhead entire interval, lift shoulders then lower them back to start) (one 20# DB)
  6. Jefferson curl (stand holding one DB in both hands, roll down into forward fold, rounding spine rag doll style, leading w/ DB, then roll back up to start) (one 20# DB)
  7. Knee over toes (standing w/ legs wide do an alternating stationary side lunge while also circling knees so they come forward over toes)
  8. Shoulder circles (stand holding one DB in each hand at sides, circle shoulders letting DBs pull arms/shoulders down; halfway through interval change direction of circles) (16.5# DBs)
  9. Romanian deadlifts (20# DBs)
  10. Shinbox switch (sit on mat with knees bent and feet on floor in front of you but closer together than when doing 90-90, hold one DB in both hands in front of chest just under chin, drop both knees to the same side then reverse and drop both knees to the other side, continue holding DB isometrically in front of chest the entire time) (one 20# DB)
  11. Repeat #8-10
  12. Lying swimmer over DBs (DBs are on either side of mat, lay on stomach so DBs frame shoulders and head, place hands behind head so elbows rest on one end of a DB, lift elbows then extend arms in front of you superman style, sweep arms out to sides bringing hands together at small of back and lower elbows toward floor, reverse this motion bringing hands back to start behind head)
  13. Half Turkish get up (lay on back with one leg extended straight and other knee bent, hold one DB extended to ceiling in same arm as bent leg, other arm is extended to side on floor, keeping arm holding DB straight and extended to ceiling entire interval, push body up with other arm so that you are on forearm while other arm reaches to ceiling) (one 16.5# DB)
  14. Overhead squat (stand w/ one DB in one hand, arm/DB is extended straight overhead, lower into a squat while keeping arm/DB extended overhead) (one 16.5# DB)
  15. Repeat #12
  16. Repeat #13 & 14 on other side of body
  17. Straddle sit up press (sit on mat with legs extended straight and open into a wide V, hold one DB in one hand at shoulder, in this position do a single arm overhead shoulder press; halfway through interval repeat on other arm) (one 16.5# DB)
  18. Curtsy lunge (stand holding one DB in one hand behind head with elbow bent so elbow points to ceiling, arm/DB remains in this position entire interval, do alternating cross-back/curtsy lunges) (one 16.5# DB)
  19. Good morning (place one DB behind neck/upper back, hold ends with hands, hinge forward at waist keeping legs and spine straight) (one 20# DB)
  20. Repeat #17
  21. Repeat #18 holding DB in other hand however this time DB rests on Julia’s shoulder (I held my DB the same way I did the first time through but in the other hand)
  22. Repeat #19 but this time Julia holds DB at top of chest just under chin, arms are crossed with each hand holding one end of the DB
  23. Alternating 3 way lunge (reverse-curtsy-cossack) (no DBs, do one reverse lunge, one curtsy lunge and one side lunge all on same leg then repeat on other leg)
  24. Repeat #23 two more times
  25. Pendulum (hold one DB in one hand, hinge forward letting arm/DB hang loose, draw lazy circles with arm/DB; halfway through interval change arms)
  26. Repeat #25 but Julia passes the DB hand to hand more frequently
  27. Plow (hold plow pose and bend and straighten legs)
  28. Lying quad stretch (lay on stomach, bring one heel to same glute and hold top of foot with same side hand, push hips into floor; halfway through interval change legs)

For more info on Julia Reppel and other (free) streaming workouts I’ve sampled and reviewed, check out my Streaming page.

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