Day 29: Full Body Strength & Power / HR12WEEK 4.0

Full Body Strength & Power is Day 29 in Heather Robertson‘s 12 Week 4.0 program. Wow! This was an intense workout. Heather works your entire body. The first circuit is lower body strength, the second circuit is upper body focus and the third circuit is total body exercises. I found it very metabolic. According to my Apple watch I burned nearly 350 calories and spent a total of 13 minutes in my peak heart rate zone. So you are also getting cardio with this excellent total body strength workout.

The exercises are done interval style: 40 seconds of work followed by 20 seconds of recovery. There is a timer in the lower right hand corner of the screen counting down your intervals and recoveries. During the recoveries Heather previews the next exercise. At the bottom of the screen during the preview, there is a small graphic with a weight recommendation–light, medium or heavy.

Full Body Strength & Power is 37:01 minutes; 30 second intro, 2:90 minute warm up and 2:30 minute stretch. Equipment: light, medium and heavy dumbbells and a fitness mat. The weights listed below are what I used.

Circuit 1:

  1. Goblet squat (one 50# DB)
  2. Reverse lunges (alternating reverse/step back lunges) (22.5# DBs)
  3. Stiff leg deadlift (hex trap bar @ 105#)
  4. Sumo squat (stand with legs wide and toes turned out, hold one DB by bar w/ both hands) (one 75# DB)
  5. Jump squat (holding light DBs) (10# DBs)
  6. Repeat #1-5

30 second rest

Circuit 2:

  1. Bent over rows (land mine row, hinge forward with back flat, hold one heavy DB by bar with both hands, row DB up to chest) (one 65# DB)
  2. In & out curls (alternate wide curls with narrow curls) (16.5# DBs)
  3. Diamond push up (tricep push up, hands are together underneath chest so thumb and forefinger form a diamond, arms are kept close to sides)
  4. Chest press (hips are raised into bridge and held isometrically while doing chest press) (75# barbell)
  5. Cross punch (one squat + one cross punch, alternate arms when punching) (5# DBs)
  6. Repeat #1-5

30 second rest

Circuit 3:

  1. Squat & curl (stand with legs wide holding one DB in each hand in front of you, lower into squat and hold while doing one hammer curl then stand) (16.5# DBs)
  2. Lunge & press (static/stationary lunge, hold one DB at shoulder of back leg, at bottom lunge DB is at shoulder, as you rise out of lunge do a single arm overhead shoulder press) (one 20# DB)
  3. Repeat #2 on other side of body
  4. Walking plank (alternate straight arm plank with elbow plank)
  5. Burpee jack (one jumping jack when standing then place hands on floor and jump legs out into a wide leg plank, jump feet back into hands)
  6. Repeat #1-5

For more info on Heather Robertson’s workouts and other (free) streaming workouts I’ve sampled and reviewed, check out my Streaming page.

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