Day 12: Glute Activation & Strength Workout / HR12WEEK 4.0

Glute Activation & Strength Workout is Day 12 in Heather Robertson‘s 12 Week 4.0 program. I found this to be a very enjoyable workout. These days I am accustomed to having my glutes and hamstrings destroyed by Caroline Girvan. So it was a welcome change to work my lower body well but not kill myself. It’s nice to mix things up. Every workout doesn’t have to be brutal to be effective. I also got to test some of my new booty bands. I bought a set that has 5 glute bands ranging from extra light to extra heavy.

This workout contains 3 circuits; a glute activation circuit and 2 strength circuits. The exercises are done interval style. In the glute activation circuit the exercises are done for 45 seconds followed by 15 seconds of recovery. For the strength circuits the exercises are done for 40 seconds of work followed by 20 seconds of recovery. There is a timer in the lower right hand corner of the screen counting down your intervals and recoveries. During the recoveries Heather previews the next exercise. At the bottom of the screen during the preview, there is a small graphic with a weight recommendation–light, medium or heavy.

Glute Activation & Strength Workout is 37:18 minutes; 40 second intro, 3 minute warm up and 3:30 minute stretch. Equipment: dumbbells, glute/booty band, yoga block and fitness mat. For the glute activation circuit I used 2 booty bands–a medium for the mat based exercises and a extra heavy for the standing exercises.

Glute Activation Circuit: (45/15) (band is around thighs the entire circuit)

  1. Side steps (place glute band/loop around thighs just above knees, lower into a partial squat, lateral squat walk the length of your mat and back)
  2. Squats (legs are open wide enough that there is constant tension on band)
  3. Rear kick (get on hands and knees, extend one leg out straight behind you, raise and lower leg)
  4. Kick back combo (still on hands and knees, keeping one leg bent at 90 degrees, push sole of foot up to ceiling, lower back under body then lift leg to side of body in hydrant)
  5. Frog press (lay on stomach on mat, arms are crossed in front of you with forehead resting on back of hands, both legs are bent at 90 degrees with legs open so there is constant tension on the band, push feet to ceiling while lifting knees off mat)
  6. Repeat #3 & 4 on other leg
  7. Wide squat (legs are wide and toes turned out to sides)
  8. Side to side step (same position as #1, take one step side to side)

30 second rest

Strength Circuit 1: (40/20)

  1. Side lunge (stand with legs wide holding one DB at shoulder, lower into stationary/static side lunges) (one 35# DB)
  2. Repeat #1 on other side of body
  3. Stand up (hold one DB in both hands at chest goblet style, step back into lunge, lowering knee to mat, return to standing lifting knee in front of you) (one 30# DB)
  4. Repeat #3 on other leg
  5. Sumo squat (stand with legs wide and toes turned out, hold one heavy DB with both hands by bar) (one 75# DB)
  6. Repeat #1-5

30 second rest

Strength Circuit 2: (40/20)

  1. Hip thruster (lay on back with knees bent and feet on mat close to glutes, place one heavy DB on hips, raise and lower hips in bridge) (one 75# DB)
  2. Elevated thruster (start in same position as #1, lift one leg off floor, other foot is elevated on yoga block, press heel into yoga block, raise and lower hips) (one 75# DB)
  3. Side bridge lift (in modified side elbow plank, on one elbow and one knee with both legs bent, raise top arm to ceiling, raise hip while lifting top bent leg)
  4. Repeat #2 & 3 on other leg
  5. Repeat #1-4 on other leg

For more info on Heather Robertson’s workouts and other (free) streaming workouts I’ve sampled and reviewed, check out my Streaming page.

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