Day 40: NO REPEATS Abs & Booty + Full Body Mobility / HR12WEEK 4.0

No Repeats Abs & Booty + Full Body Mobility is Day 40 in Heather Robertson‘s 12 Week 4.0 program. Another recovery day workout that is not much of a recovery! At least not the first half! This is actually the last mobility workout in the HR12Week 4.0 program. The rest of the “recovery” level workouts are pilates. I do not have any current plans to do those workouts. You wear ankle weights in the first half of this workout and it is tough. Heather doesn’t share the weight of her ankle weights, but the first workout in this program that uses ankle weights she did reveal she was using 5 pound ankle weights. So I assume that she continues to use 5 pound ankle weights in all of the other ankle weight workouts in this program. I have been using my heaviest set of ankle weights, which is 4 pounds. So I guess how tough the first part of this workout is depends on the weights you use. 4 pounds is heavy for me! Most of the exercises in the Abs & Booty Circuit will work your legs and booty in some fashion but not all hit the abs. But the ones that do are that much tougher with the addition of ankle weights! It was nice to take it down a notch with the mobility work. The mobility work consists of a lot of dynamic flexibility–flowing in and out of different positions. Then at the very end you get a well deserved and very relaxing stretch.

This workout is made up of two circuits. An abs & booty circuit followed by a mobility circuit. The exercises are all done interval style: 40 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of recovery. There is a timer in the lower right hand corner of the screen counting down your intervals and recoveries. During the recoveries Heather previews the next exercise.

No Repeats Abs & Booty + Full Body Mobility is 41:43 minutes; 50 second intro, 4:05 minute warm up and 3:55 minute stretch. Equipment: ankle weights and fitness mat. I wore 4 pound ankle weights. After the warm up when the workout starts Heather is already wearing the ankle weights. I had to pause the workout because 10 seconds was not long enough for me to get my ankle weights on and get into position.

Abs & Booty Circuit:

  1. Bird dog (on hands and knees extend one arm in front of you and opposite leg straight behind you, alternate sides)
  2. Plank & leg lift (hold forearm/elbow plank, alternate lifting one leg)
  3. Kick, crunch & curl (on hands and knees, lift one leg straight behind you, bring knee to same side elbow outside of body then push it back out and up behind you)
  4. Kickback combo (on hands and knees raise one leg bent at 90 degrees behind you, pushing sole of foot up to ceiling then lift same leg to side w/ knee still bent at 90 degrees into hydrant, alternate these two lifts)
  5. Rear pulse (lower to forearms, lift leg straight behind you and pulse it upward)
  6. Side bridge lift (in side elbow plank with top arm extended to ceiling, lower hip to mat, raise hip into side plank then lift top straight leg)
  7. Repeat #3-6 on other leg
  8. Bridge march (lay on back, knees bent and feet in floor, raise and lower hips into bridge, as you raise hips, also raise one bent leg, alternate legs)
  9. Leg drop & tuck (still on back with one knee bent and foot close to glutes, other leg extended straight, lift hips and hold isometrically, extended leg lifts to ceiling then lowers to a few inches off the mat then pull knee into chest and extended leg straight again)
  10. Repeat #9 on other leg
  11. One way bike (lay on back, legs are raised with both knees bent at 90 degrees, hands are behind head, crunch upper body while bringing one elbow to opposite knee while other leg extends straight)
  12. Repeat #11 on other side of body
  13. Bridge & crunch (lay on back, knees bent and feet in floor, raise hips into bridge, lower hips then do a full crunch bringing knees into chest and elbows to knees)
  14. Frog crunch (lay on back, hands behind head, legs are raised off floor, keeping feet together, pull knees into chest, opening knees and bringing elbows to knees then push legs out straight at a 45 degree angle)
  15. V-split & lift (lay on back with legs extended to ceiling, lift hips and push legs overhead into reverse crunch, lower hips and open legs into a wide V)

30 second rest (remove ankle weights)


  1. Windmill & reach (stand with legs wide, extend one arm to ceiling then hinge forward, reaching hand to floor past opposite foot, alternate sides)
  2. Repeat #1
  3. Kneeling wings & touch (in high double kneeling with hands behind head and elbows out to sides, bring elbows together in front of face, open elbows again, extend one arm behind you toward heel, bring elbows together again in front of face then repeat reach on other side)
  4. Repeat #3
  5. Foot flex & twist (in double kneeling with tops of feet on mat and glutes resting on heels, arms are crossed in front of you in genie, raise glutes off heels and change feet so toes are on mat and feet flexed, lower glutes back to heels, open arms into a T while twisting torso and arms to one side, repeat this sequence while alternating which side you twist to)
  6. Repeat #5
  7. Down dog to lunge (start in downward facing dog, shift forward bringing one foot forward into lunge and hold briefly, push back into down dog, alternate sides when lunging)
  8. Repeat #7
  9. Puppy rocker (get on knees and forearms on mat, shift hips back into puppy pose then return to start)
  10. Repeat #9
  11. Side lunge rotation (start in wide leg forward fold, shift to one side, bending knee so you are in side lunge, place one hand on mat, rotate torso reaching other arm to ceiling, alternate sides)
  12. Repeat #11
  13. Heel lift bridge (lay on back on mat, knees are bent and feet are on mat close to glutes, arms are extended overhead, lift hips into bridge while also raising onto toes and reaching straight arms to ceiling, lower back to start)
  14. Repeat #13
  15. Inchworm to cobra (stand at end of mat, with legs straight hinge forward and walk hands out to plank, lower hips and raise chest into cobra, raise back to plank, walk hands back to feet and stand)
  16. Repeat #15
  17. Freestyle plow (get into plow pose with legs extended straight to ceiling, lower legs over past head, reaching toes toward floor, lift one leg to ceiling, bend knee and return toe to floor past head, repeat on other leg then hold plow pose while shifting hips slowly side to side)
  18. Repeat #17
  19. Seated reach & twist (sit cross-leg on mat with arms extended to ceiling, twist torso to one side while lowering arms and reaching them behind you to assist the twist, alternate sides)
  20. Repeat #19

For more info on Heather Robertson’s workouts and other (free) streaming workouts I’ve sampled and reviewed, check out my Streaming page.

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