CGX: Unleash Series Day 25: Shoulders

This is a workout from Caroline Girvan‘s CGX app. For more info on Caroline’s App, see the CGX App page. This was a solid shoulder workout that hits every muscle group in the shoulder area. Thankfully it was not brutal like some of the other Unleash workouts I've done this week. But it was challenging. You do … Continue reading CGX: Unleash Series Day 25: Shoulders

CGX: Iron Program Day 40: Solo Shoulders

This is a workout from Caroline Girvan‘s CGX app. For more info on Caroline’s App, see the CGX App page. This is an excellent shoulder focused workout. Due to the shorter intervals you can challenge yourself with heavier weights, which I did. I had my back ups sitting close by but I only dropped to them once … Continue reading CGX: Iron Program Day 40: Solo Shoulders

CGX: Rear Delt Shoulder Workout

This is a workout from Caroline Girvan‘s CGX app. For more info on Caroline’s App, see the CGX App page. This is a short but thorough shoulder workout. Caroline hits the shoulders from all angles and really burns them out at the end with the partial rear delt fly finisher. I feel like I chose the appropriate … Continue reading CGX: Rear Delt Shoulder Workout

IRON Series 30 Min Superset Dumbbell Shoulder Workout | 25

30 Min Superset Dumbbell Shoulder Workout is Day 25 in Caroline Girvan's Iron Series. Wow--what an intense shoulder burn out! As with every Iron Series workout I do, I come to it trying to lift heavier for at least one exercise. This morning it was Arnold press, which is the staple exercise in this workout. … Continue reading IRON Series 30 Min Superset Dumbbell Shoulder Workout | 25

IRON Series 30 Min Shoulder Workout – Compound & Isolation | 15

30 Min Shoulder Workout - Compound & Isolation is Day 15 in Caroline Girvan's Iron Series. This was a shoulder burner! I tried to lift heavier for everything in this workout but I ended up dropping to lighter weights several times, and by the end of the workout I was using my 8 pound dumbbells … Continue reading IRON Series 30 Min Shoulder Workout – Compound & Isolation | 15

UNBREAKABLE Upper Body Workout – Shoulders, Chest & Triceps | EPIC Endgame Day 46

Unbreakable Upper Body Workout - Shoulders, Chest & Triceps is Day 46 in Caroline Girvan's EPIC Endgame program. This is a tough shoulder workout. Though the chest and triceps (and abs) also get worked in this workout, the primary focus is shoulders. It was also a relatively light weight workout (for one of Caroline's workouts, … Continue reading UNBREAKABLE Upper Body Workout – Shoulders, Chest & Triceps | EPIC Endgame Day 46

SHOULDERS OF STEEL Dumbbell Shoulder Workout | EPIC Endgame Day 36

Shoulders of Steel Dumbbell Shoulder Workout is Day 36 in Caroline Girvan's EPIC Endgame program. Wow! What an excellent shoulder burner! Caroline works your shoulders thoroughly and from all angles with this workout. Many of the exercises are working other upper body muscle groups as well--upper back and arms. So it is a very nice … Continue reading SHOULDERS OF STEEL Dumbbell Shoulder Workout | EPIC Endgame Day 36

STRUCTURED Shoulder Workout with Dumbbells | EPIC Endgame Day 16

Structured Shoulder Workout with Dumbbells is Day 16 in Caroline Girvan's EPIC Endgame program. This was a very tough shoulder workout. Caroline was struggling throughout this workout, too! I still feel my shoulders burning an hour after finishing this workout. This is an excellent and thorough shoulder workout that will work your arms and upper … Continue reading STRUCTURED Shoulder Workout with Dumbbells | EPIC Endgame Day 16

SUREFIRE Shoulders Unilateral Workout – Dumbbell Delts | EPIC III Day 16

Surefire Shoulders Unilateral Workout is Day 16 in Caroline Girvan's EPIC III program. I am currently in week 3 of the 7 week rotation I created (Beastmode week). But today I felt like something different. I had planned to do Beastmode Arms & Shoulders but I had already worked my biceps and triceps earlier this … Continue reading SUREFIRE Shoulders Unilateral Workout – Dumbbell Delts | EPIC III Day 16

Xtrain: Chest, Back and Shoulders

Chest, Back & Shoulders is part of Cathe‘s Xtrain series. For more info on the series as a program see My Intro to Xtrain. Chest, Back & Shoulders is 51 minute split series strength workout; 5 minute warm up, 42 minute training time and 4 minute stretch. This workout also includes Bonus Core #1 and … Continue reading Xtrain: Chest, Back and Shoulders