Cathe Live: Warrior Kickboxing

What an excellent kickboxing workout! Cathe has a lot of Live cardio kickboxing workouts and they are all good–but this one might be the best she has done live. It is set up in her normal cardio kickboxing fashion: kickboxing combos and drills alternated with cardio blasts. However, what is different from most of Cathe’s other cardio kickboxing live workouts is that she does full combos–punches and kicks within the same combo just like she does in her DVDs. In her live cardio kickboxing workouts she tends to stick with drills and combos that are just punches or kicks–but rarely both combined. So this was a treat! It was pretty intense, too. My Fitbit said I burned 400 calories in an hour and 13 minutes of that hour was core and stretch–so not bad! There is also a heavy bag segment at the end of the kickboxing part of the workout. For the heavy bag segment you do punching drills alternated with punching blasts. The punching blasts are always the same: fast alternating front punches with fast feet.

As a side note, I have recently noticed that Cathe has created some really superior (in my opinion) live workouts. Specifically (at least, off the top of my head–there might be more than these): Upper Body Bootcamp, Lower Body Bootcamp, Low Impact Cardio HIIT, Cardio Core Blast and now this workout, Warrior Kickboxing. After creating 148 live workouts, you’d think she would start slacking, but nope–she just keeps getting better, which makes the investment in her Live streaming well worth the monthly fee.

Warrior Kickboxing is 59 minutes long; 11 minute warm up, 10 minutes core and 3 minute stretch. Equipment needed: Gloves (optional) (I wore 2 pounded weighted gloves), Heavy Bag (optional) (I didn’t use a heavy bag), 5 or 8 pound weights for ab work. It aired live on 5/11/17 and here is the video clip. Heavy bag starts at 38:30 and ends at 43:30 (5 minutes). Cathe does a 1 minute cool down before starting core work.

Core (10 minutes) (Cathe used 5# DBs for everything):

  1. Pullovers into full sit up w/ 4 punches; changes to just pullovers into sit ups (5# DBs)
  2. Lay on back, holding DBs overhead and leaned back past head slightly, bent knees raised–lower legs so toes tap ground then raise again and hold; this changes to raising straight legs, holding then lowering; changes to raising and lowering straight legs w/no pause
  3. Raise and lower straight legs this time w/ chest flys (5# DBs)
  4. Still lying on your back, plant one elbow on the ground with the fingers pointing straight up in the air; the other arm lifts up, raising your torso while your other elbow remains planted on the mat; 8 reps on each side then 8 reps alternating
  5. Still laying on back, knees bent and feet on ground, punch arm over opposite shoulder tapping the ground; alternate sides
  6. Kickouts while in plank; alternate sides
  7. Hold elbow plank; march in plank; high plank to elbow plank
  8. Repeat #6, this time dropping hip/bottom to ground while kicking out straight leg
  9. Elbow plank hold; bring knee to same side elbow outside of body; 8 reps all to one side then 8 reps all to the other side


6 thoughts on “Cathe Live: Warrior Kickboxing

  1. Thank you for another excellent review. After reading it, I finally decided to subscribe to Cathe Live. I’m so glad that I did! This morning I did this workout along with RWH legs-great combo-loved it!


    1. You’re welcome! I think you’ll love the Live workouts. I’ve been subscribing for more than a year and even tho I go through stages, overall I tend to do more of her live workouts than anything else.


  2. I did this one recently too. I love kickboxing and can be a bit of a snob when it comes to this type of wkout. But this is Cathe & Cathe delivers!! I agree w/ your review 100%. It was awesome and Cathe consistently puts out incredible “live” workouts.


    1. She did an especially great job this one I think. I think it’s time to create another Live rotation using many of her newer (and awesome) live workouts.


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