45 MIN Trampoline Upper Body // Rebounding Strength Workout with Dumbbells

45 Min Trampoline Upper Body was a tougher workout than I was expecting. But maybe that’s because I haven’t been doing cardio rebounder + strength workouts much these days. I used to do them all the time. But since I am doing Caroline Givan’s CGX Cluster Series this week I have 3 lower body strength days and only 2 upper body strength days. Today was supposed to be a cardio day but I decided to use this workout by Michelle Briehler to get my cardio in with a 3rd upper body strength workout this week. It definitely fit the bill. My upper body feels well worked. I also got some intense (for me at least) cardio and some core work. By the time we got to the finisher my arms were so fatigued I dropped to 2 pound dumbbells instead of the 3 pounders I used during the arm activation at the beginning.

After the warm up you get a 5:30 minute “arm activation” circuit which is cardio moves while holding light dumbbells. Then you go into two circuits of upper body strength exercises. The workout ends with a 6:30 minute arm finisher which is basically the same thing as the arm activation circuit–cardio holding light dumbbells. For the strength circuits, the exercises are done interval style. Each exercise is done for 40 seconds followed by a 15 second rest/transition. There is a timer in the upper left-hand corner of the screen counting down your intervals and recoveries. During the rest/transition Michelle previews the next exercise. There is a progress bar at the bottom of the screen counting down the workout time as a percentage. However, it times out at the end of the strength circuit so you you have no progress bar for the Finisher, Joyful Jump or the stretch.

45 Min Trampoline Upper Body is 47:20 minutes; 55 second intro, 3 minute warm up and 3 minute stretch. Equipment: rebounder and dumbbells. Michelle is using a range of dumbbells from 3-20 pounds. The weights listed below are what I used.

Arm Activation: (5:30 minutes) (Michelle is using 3# DBs; I also used 3# DBs)

  1. Basic bounce while doing overhead should press
  2. Alternating knee raises with chest fly arms
  3. Hop forward and back, pull arms/DBs back when jumping backwards and push them in front of you when jumping forward
  4. Hopping hip twists to one side while doing a single arm tricep kickback
  5. Repeat #4 on other side of body
  6. Repeat #4 & 5
  7. Alternating heel digs to the front with double arm bicep curls
  8. Jumping jacks with overhead shoulder press
  9. Repeat #2-5
  10. Basic bounce with arms/DBs at sides
  11. Repeat #7
  12. Repeat #8
  13. Repeat #2
  14. Basic bounce with arms in guard/DBs at shoulder level
  15. Repeat #3-5
  16. Repeat #7

25 second recovery

Strength Circuits: (40 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds of rest)

  1. Double arm bent over row (standing on the rebounder) (30# DBs)
  2. Chest fly (lay on back on rebounder with legs raised and knees bent at 90 degrees) (25# DBs)
  3. Moving plank (hands on rebounder and feet on floor, alternate straight arm plank with forearm plank)
  4. Skull crushers (lay on back on rebounder with legs raised and knees bent at 90 degrees) (15# DBs)
  5. Kneeling curl + press (in high double kneeling on rebounder do a hammer curl into an overhead shoulder press) (18# DBs)
  6. Repeat #1 & 2
  7. Bicep curls (standing on rebounder) (20# DBs)
  8. Repeat #3-5
  9. Repeat #7
  10. 45 second water break
  11. Pullovers (lay on back on rebounder, hold one DB in both hands, legs are raised with knees bent at 90 degrees, lower DB overhead into a pullover while also lowering feet toward floor while keeping knees bent then pull both back in to start) (one 40# DB)
  12. Plank jack shoulder taps (in straight arm plank with hands on rebounder and feet on floor, feet do plank jacks while one hand taps opposite shoulder, alternate arms in time with jacks)
  13. Kneeling lat raise (in high double kneeling on rebounder do lateral raises) (9# DBs)
  14. Burpees (start standing on rebounder, jump or step backwards off of rebounder, place hands on rebounder mat and jump feet back to plank, jump feet back in then jump or step back on top of rebounder)
  15. Overhead tricep extension (French press while standing on rebounder) (one 25# DB)
  16. Rear delt fly (standing on rebounder, hinge forward with flat back and do rear delt flys) (9# DBs)
  17. Repeat #11 & 12
  18. Kneeling upright row + lateral raise (same as #13 but alternate lateral raise w/ an upright row) (9# DBs)
  19. Repeat #14-16

50 second water break

Finisher: (6:30 minutes) (Michelle is using 3# DBs; I used 2# DBs)

  1. Jumping jack legs, arms alternate one upright row with one side lateral raise
  2. Basic bounce with arms in guard/DBs at shoulder level
  3. Alternating insole taps (hold DBs in guard at shoulder level and tap insole when lifting leg/foot)
  4. Repeat #2
  5. 2 cross jacks (arms cross punch in front of you) + one side kick each leg (same side arm punches to side when leg kicks)
  6. Repeat #2 but with palms facing you
  7. One knee raise bringing opposite elbow to knee + one side kick (other leg) punching both arms overhead
  8. Basic bounce, arms are straight at sides, push DBs behind you with straight arms and palms facing behind you
  9. Repeat #7 on other side of body
  10. Repeat #8
  11. Repeat #1
  12. Repeat #3
  13. Repeat #5
  14. Repeat #7-9
  15. Repeat #2
  16. Scissor runs with alternating front punches
  17. Repeat #2
  18. Alternating knee raises w/ hammer curls

Joyful Jump: (2:30 minutes) (no DBs)

  1. Hopping hip shift side to side
  2. Basic bounce with large arm/shoulder circles
  3. Jump forward and backward, arms are raised to shoulder level and straight, open and close arms in time with jumps
  4. Pendulum (alternating low side kicks raise and lower arms to side)
  5. Repeat #2-4
  6. Basic bounce reaching arms up in front of you to overhead then lowering
  7. Hop on right leg
  8. Hop on left leg
  9. Repeat #7 & 8
  10. Repeat #6
  11. High jumps (recovery level)
  12. Squats (no jumping)

For more info on Michelle Brieher’s workouts and other (free) streaming workouts I’ve sampled and reviewed, check out my Streaming page.

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