Rippedism Raw

Rippedism Raw is another fitness program from Jeff Hirsch and Stu Lopoten. This program contains 6 metabolic bodyweight strength workouts. You can do them as a stand alone program, doing one each day in the order they are listed and reviewed below, or you can substitute them for other Rippedism workouts, if you are doing one of their other fitness programs. Jeff & Stu have also created a hybrid rotation combining Raw with Combine. The Raw program actually had a dread factor for me. Having done all of Mark Lauren‘s workouts, including completing his 90 Day Challenge, I know from experience that bodyweight workouts are not easy and can, in fact, be even more challenging than workouts using dumbbells. The first time I previewed this program (over a year ago), I shied away from it. I was still mentally recovering from Mark’s 90 Day Challenge. But then Jeff & Stu created Combine, which I loved, so I decided I needed to finally give Raw a try. I’m so glad I did! Though this is an advanced program and very challenging, it wasn’t as scary as I feared. As usual, Jeff & Stu offer modifications and urge you to do the exercises at your own level. These workouts are very different from Mark Lauren’s workouts. If you are doing any of Mark’s programs, I would recommend supplementing with Raw to shake things up while still keeping the body weight strength focus. And these also work great with any of the other Rippedism programs. In fact, if you are planning to run through the entire Rippedism library, doing all of their workouts as programs, Raw is a perfect plan to insert between each program to give your body a break from lifting dumbbells while still working your muscles, but in a different way.

Rippedism, BTW, is a workout streaming site. The cost is $6.99 a month or $49.99 a year. If you sign up, you get a lot more than just this program. They have two earlier programs: the original Rippedism and Rippedism 2, plus their newest program Combine. They also currently have 11 bonus workouts (more will probably be added in the future). They also have a nutrition plan. The nutrition plan and a few of the bonus workouts are discussed in the original Rippedism review, so if you are interested, check out that review. As already mentioned, these workouts are streamed. Their website has a page with videos that show you how to use the website and how to use their app. I used the app to do these workouts. I have an iPhone and an AppleTV, so I used airplay and did the workouts on my TV. If you visit this link, Jeff & Stu have created a video trailer for this program.

The setting for these workouts is similar to where Combine is set–it looks like an abandoned factory. Just like in their other programs, Jeff and Stu alternate doing the exercises in each workout. If a move is too difficult for you, they offer modifications to many of the exercises. There is a timer at the top of the screen, counting down the total workout time. A timer in the lower left hand corner counts down your intervals. The first 4 workouts in Raw are all just under 35 minutes and are all structured the same. They are also muscle splits–two of the workouts work your upper body and two of the workouts work your lower body. The last 2 workouts are a different story. They are both longer total body workouts and they are both structured differently. They are both under 40 minutes. There is a ton of variety in all these workouts. In the majority of the workouts there is no repetition and they are fast paced, so the time seems to fly. And they are very tough. There are a lot of advanced push up variations so I did a lot of modifying when it came to the push ups. But I was able to do everything else.

Day 1: Force is 34:25 minutes; 1 minute intro, 2 minute warm up and 1:30 minute stretch. This workout works the triceps, shoulders, chest, core and gives you cardio, too. 6 rounds/circuits. Each round consists of 3 push exercises, each done for 30 seconds with 10 seconds of recovery between each move (exercises #1-3 below) then you get 20 seconds of rest and do 2 cardio moves, each done for 45 seconds with 10 seconds of rest (exercises #4 & 5 below). Then you get 30 seconds of rest between circuits/rounds. And at the very end of the workout, you get a core bonus–3 more exercises done for 45 seconds each with 10 seconds of rest.

I previewed this workout and it looked scary hard. Once I did it, it was very hard but not as scary as I thought. That probably had to do with the fact I had to modify some of the moves–mostly push ups. I can do push ups on my toes but the majority of the push ups in this workout are advanced variations that I had to do on my knees. But I was otherwise able to do everything else as presented. It was very tough but more doable than I had feared. It moves very fast. 10 seconds between moves is not a lot of time to learn the next move and, as you can see, none of them are simple. There are some very unique and cool exercises I have never seen before, and I felt them much more than I expected to–Round 6, exercise 1 is a good example. I really felt that one, but I had to mentally focus on doing the exercise properly. An excellent body weight workout. And as I said, it moves fast.

Round 1:

  1. Rocking Shoulder Press (in bent knee pike, rock forward, lowering head toward ground then rock back)
  2. 1 Leg Tricep Bridge Dip (tricep dips while in crab with one leg raised)
  3. Push Up Wide Hop In/Out (do a push up with legs wide then hop feet up to just outside hands then hop feet back out)
  4. Narrow Push Up + Bear Crawl + Pike Press (do one push up, bear crawl forward 3 steps, do one pike press, bear crawl 3 steps back; bear crawl=on hands and toes with knees bent)
  5. Chair Pose Jump Floor Touch (hold chair pose briefly, jump then lower hands to ground while still in chair pose then raise arms beside head again)

Round 2:

  1. Low Plank Shoulder Rotation (in elbow plank, alternate raising one bent arm up to ceiling)
  2. Crow Tricep Press (in a bent knee pike with hands below shoulders, push body up and down in this position, leading with head/chest)
  3. Wide Push Up Side Arm Balance (do one push up then raise one straight arm toward ceiling (rotating partially into side plank), alternate arms between push ups)
  4. 3 Point Plank Hop Donkey Kick (in plank, jump feet up to one side, jump back to plank, jump feet up to other side, jump back to plank then do a donkey kick)
  5. 3 Pulse Lunge Plank Switch jump (in a deep lunge, pulse 3x then place hands on ground and jump to switch legs)

Round 3:

  1. Dive Bomb Push Up
  2. 1 Knee Tricep Push Up to Plank Hold (tricep push up on one knee, alternate knees, raising into full plank when switching knees)
  3. Wide Plank Side Rock (in straight arm plank with arms and legs wide, shift body side to side, lowering torso when shifting to side)
  4. Back Tuck Roll + Burpee (alternate between these two moves)
  5. 3 Point Squat Hop Side Plank (quarter turn squat hops to side, middle, other side, then jump out into a diagonal squat thrust, alternate sides)

Round 4:

  1. Lying T Press (lay on back with arms extended to side in T, press shoulders and upper back up with hands)
  2. Commando Plank Punches (high plank to low plank and when each position, you will punch out in front of you with both ams)
  3. Wide Step Mountain Push Up (wide jumping mountain climbers, pausing when each foot is near hand and doing a push up in this position)
  4. Plank Bridge (alternate between straight arm plank and crab with hips pushed to ceiling)
  5. Right Angle Pose Switch Jump (alternating jump lunge, but each time you are in lunge, do a right angle yoga pose)

Round 5:

  1. Pike Press Alternating Leg Raise (one pike press + 3 leg down dog both legs)
  2. Tricep Pulse Switch Kick (while in crab, do alternating kicks)
  3. Inch Worm Push Ups (start standing, hinge forward and walk hands out to plank, do one push up, walk hands back to feet and stand)
  4. Plank Alternating Kick Through (in straight arm plank, alternate kicking leg underneath body)
  5. Chair Hop Low Side Touch (while in chair pose, hop laterally and touch the floor with hand)

Round 6:

  1. Lying Elbow Press Up (lay on back with arms extended out straight to side in a T, but hands are raised to ceiling, push shoulders and upper back up, pressing elbows into ground)
  2. Knee Halfway Plank Hold (lower into a partial knee push up and hold isometrically)
  3. Plyo Push Up
  4. In Out Plank 3-9 Run (in straight arm plank, hop feet in under you bringing knees to chest then hop them back out to plank, then run feet up to one hand, run feet back to plank then run feet up to other hand and run back to plank)
  5. Alternating Spiderman Pose (in sidle lunge, reach same side hand as bent leg to floor while extending other arm to ceiling, alternate sides with a small hop when change sides)

Core Bonuses: (each move is done for 45 seconds followed by 10 seconds of recovery)

  1. X Crunch Foot Tap (lay on back then raise shoulders and legs, arms and legs extended wide in an X, alternate tapping hand to opposite insole)
  2. Scissor Cross Touch (still laying on back, scissor straight legs and tap hand to opposite foot each time foot is raised to ceiling)
  3. Figure 8 (still on back with head/shoulders raised, hands under hips and legs extended straight in line with the body and raised a few inches off the floor, rotate legs/feet in a figure 8 pattern)

Day 2: Ignite is 34:39 minutes; 1 minute intro, 2 minute warm up and 2 minute stretch. This workout works the lower body. 6 rounds or circuits, consisting of 3 lower body exercises each done for 30 seconds with 10 seconds of rest between each exercise (#1-3), you get 20 seconds of rest followed by 2 compound cardio moves, each done for 45 seconds with 10 seconds of recovery between each (#4 & 5). You get 30 seconds of recovery between rounds/circuits. And at the very end of the workout, you get a core bonus–3 more exercises done for 45 seconds each with 10 seconds of rest. I enjoyed this workout a lot more than Force. Probably because my lower body is much stronger than my upper body so I found this workout easier. It wasn’t easy–it did challenge me, but I didn’t have to modify anything except balance moves. For those, I had to hold onto something or have my other toe on the floor (I have plates and screws in my heels  that affect my balance).

Round 1:

  1. 1 Leg Hamstring Squat (single leg squat, touching both hands to floor on either side of foot when in squat)
  2. Repeat #1 on other leg
  3. Glute Squeeze Bridge Up (lay on back, knees bent and feet on ground, raise and lower hips, squeezing glutes at top of move)
  4. Step Up Lateral Jump Touch (start standing and lower to double kneeling position, one leg at a time using only legs (no hands) and return to standing (again, no hands used) then do a lateral jump)
  5. Piston Squat Cross Touch (single leg squat, touching ground with opposite hand when squatting then jump when you stand, the entire time the non-working leg is lifted so you are balancing the entire time)

Round 2:

  1. Right Angle Rocking Squat (stationary side lunges)
  2. Repeat #1 on other leg
  3. Chair Pose Calf Rock (hold chair pose while rocking onto toes then onto heels)
  4. X Jump Burpee (burpee then at the top when you jump, open legs wide and arms are extended over head so body is in an X)
  5. 4 Mogul Jump + 4 Air Squat (4 fast lateral jumps + 4 fast air squats)

Round 3:

  1. Bulgarian Lunge Touch (stationary lunge, at bottom of lunge, back knee and fingertips touch the ground)
  2. Repeat #1 on other leg
  3. Alternating Diagonal Lunges
  4. Catcher Burpee + 4 Low Squat Hops (in a wide squat, place hands on floor and jump feet back then jump feet back in, raise hands like a catcher in baseball while remaining in squat and hop 4x)
  5. Floor Touch Jump (squat jumps, touching the floor while in squat)

Round 4:

  1. Knee Touch Step Up (reverse lunge, tapping knee to floor while at bottom of move, then raise knee at top of lunge)
  2. Repeat #1 on other side of body
  3. Toes Up Chair Pose (chair pose hold with all weight in heels)
  4. Double Ski Hop Cross Floor Touch (hop on one foot 2x laterally, remain balanced on one leg and squat, tapping one hand to floor)
  5. One Foot Down Dog Pulse Hop In Out (in down dog with one leg crossed over other leg (so you are in 3 legged dog), pulse up onto toe 2x then hop foot in and back out)

Round 5:

  1. 1/2 Pistol Pulse Squat (pulsing single leg squat)
  2. Repeat #1 on other side of body
  3. Wide Sumo Squat Pulse
  4. 8 Cross Mountain Climbers + 4 Kick Throughs (during the mountain climbers, aim knee toward opposite elbow under body then remain in plank and kick legs across/under body to other side)
  5. 180 Surfer Jump + Cross Touch (180 squat jumps, touching floor in front of foot with opposite hand while in squat)

Round 6:

  1. Low Side Plank Leg Raise (in side elbow plank, raise top leg and hold isometrically)
  2. Repeat #1 on other side of body
  3. Toes Squat (squats with heels raised)
  4. Frog Hop Touch (while remaining in wide squat, hop forward and back, touching the floor with fingertips)
  5. Knee Grab Single Leg Jump (stand on one leg, gripping raised knee with both hands, do single leg hop squats)

Core Bonuses: (each move is done for 45 seconds with 10 seconds of recovery)

  1. Speed Bicycle (traditional bicycle maneuver done fast)
  2. Leg Lifts (lay on back with hands under hips, head/shoulders raised and straight legs raised, raise and lower straight legs in a pulsing manner)
  3. Upright Bicycle (bicycle maneuver, but instead of laying on back like you are in #1, you are sitting up)

Day 3: Forge is 34:38 minutes; 1 minute intro, 2 minute warm up and 2 minute stretch. You need a towel for this workout. This workout works the back, biceps, core and gives you cardio, too. 6 rounds/circuits. Each round consists of 3 pull exercises, each done for 30 seconds with 10 seconds of recovery between each move (exercises #1-3 below) then you get 20 seconds of rest and do 2 cardio movies each done for 45 seconds with 10 seconds of rest (exercises #4 & 5 below). Then you get 30 seconds of rest between circuits/rounds. And at the very end of the workout, you get a core bonus–3 more exercises done for 45 seconds each with 10 seconds of rest. Another excellent workout that flies by. Jeff & Stu have created some unique exercises to work your biceps and back without any equipment except for a towel. I thoroughly enjoyed this workout (except for the mountain climbers!) and since my favorite muscle group to work is my back, I really enjoyed all of these new back exercises. Rather than note it in every exercise it appears in below, I will just mention it here. When doing the bicep exercises, you are using your body to create resistance. When I pushed against my hand with my leg, I was creating more resistance than I get using dumbbells! So remember, how hard you work in a body weight workout depends on you, since you are applying all of the resistance.

Round 1:

  1. Renegade Alternating Hand Row (just like a weighted renegade row except you are lifting your hands and pulling elbows back)
  2. Lying 2 Hand Pigeon Curl (in a reclining pigeon/figure 4 stretch, grip calf with hands and pull body up towards leg using bicep)
  3. Superman Towel Pull (lay on stomach and hold one end of towel in each hand, raise arms and legs off ground and hold isometrically while pulling towel toward chest then pushing back out in front of you)
  4. 8 Cross Mountains + 1 Hop In (bring knee toward opposite elbow when doing the mountain climbers then jump both feet under body, knees toward chest, then jump feet back to plank)
  5. Side / Side Jump + Crescent Jump Switch (lateral jump then do 2 jump lunges with arms raised overhead)

Round 2:

  1. Lying Elbow Push Away (lay on back, arms at side and bent at elbows, push upper body up using elbows)
  2. Standing Iso Pigeon Curl (stand on one foot with other ankle crossed over knee, grab bent calf and ankle and curl leg like it is a barbell, pushing against hands with leg to increase resistance)
  3. Superman Swim (lay on stomach with arms extended in front of you, both arms and legs raised, pull arms back, bringing elbows toward ribs then push them back out in front of you, keeping legs raised)
  4. Back Roll + Donkey Kick (start sitting on bottom with knees bent and hands gripping calves, roll back then roll up, transfer onto hands and feet and jump feet up into a donkey kick)
  5. 4x Spider Run + Sky Jump (spider run = wide mountain climbers then stand and jump, reaching arms to ceiling)

Round 3:

  1. Side Lying Crunch Curl (lay on one hip and elbow, grip top thigh with top hand, pull thigh toward chest then push thigh away)
  2. Towel Bent Over Row (hold one end of towel in each hand and pull towel taut, hinge forward and pull towel back to chest then push towel back out)
  3. Repeat #1 on other side of body
  4. Plank Alternating 1 Leg Hop (start in plank with both toes on floor, lift one leg and jump other foot to side, jump both feet back to plank, repeat on other side)
  5. 180 Surfer Burpee (180 jump + burpee)

Round 4:

  1. Chair Sit Straight Arm Towel Raise (in chair pose, hold one end of towel in each hand and pull towel taut, raise and lower towel)
  2. Lying 2 Hand Pigeon Curl (in a reclining pigeon/figure 4 stretch, grip calf with hands and pull body up towards leg using biceps)
  3. Iron Man Pulse Back (lay on stomach with arms at side, lift head/shoulders, arms and legs, pulse arms while keeping legs and chest raised)
  4. Plange Reverse Hand Push Up Alternating Spider Step (in straight arm plank with hands positioned so fingers are facing behind you, do a push up, then bring one foot up to outside of same side hand, alternate sides with a push up between)
  5. Floor Slap + Volley Ball Block (squat and slap the floor with both hands, stand and jump, reaching hands overhead like you are blocking a ball)

Round 5:

  1. Lying Bridge Towel Pull Over (lay on back, knees bent and feet on floor with hips raised and held isometrically, holding one end of towel in each hand with towel pulled taut and arms straight, bring towel overhead and almost to floor, then raise toward ceiling)
  2. Standing Iso Pigeon Curl (stand on one foot with other ankle crossed over knee, grab bent calf and ankle and curl leg like it is a barbell, pushing against hands with leg to increase resistance)
  3. Superman Flutter Swim (swimmers–lay on stomach flutter raised arms and legs)
  4. Low Side Plank + Knee In Hip Up (in elbow side plank, raise hips then bring top knee in to chest, straighten leg and lower hips)
  5. Ski jump + Floor Touch + X Jump (jump to side, squat and tap floor with fingertips then jump, opening legs and reaching arms overhead in a V so you are an “X”)

Round 6:

  1. Side Lying Crunch Curl (lay on one hip and elbow, grip top thigh with top hand, pull thigh toward chest then push thigh away)
  2. Towel Bent Over Reverse Row (hold one end of towel in each hand with palms facing ceiling and pulled taut, hinge forward and pull towel back to chest then push towel back out)
  3. Repeat #1 on other side of the body
  4. Knee to Elbow Switch Jump Burpee (2 alternating jump lunges, bringing elbow to opposite knee while in lunge then do a burpee)
  5. Speed Mini Tuck Jump

Core Bonuses: (each move is done for 45 seconds with 10 seconds of recovery)

  1. Bicycle Toe Reach (do the bicycle maneuver but when elbow is touching opposite knee, hold and straighten leg to ceiling, touching opposite hand to toe)
  2. V Hold + Russian Twist (hold full boat post until Stu cues you to do 4 Russian Twists)
  3. Straight Leg Pulse Up (pulse reverse crunches with straight legs extended to ceiling)

Day 4: Fury is 34:39 minutes; 1:10 minute intro, 2 minute warm up and 2 minute stretch. This workout works the lower body. 6 rounds or circuits, consisting of 3 lower body exercises each done for 30 seconds with 10 seconds of rest between each exercise (#1-3), you get 20 seconds of rest followed by 2 compound cardio moves, each done for 45 seconds with 10 seconds of recovery between each (#4 & 5). You get 30 seconds of recovery between rounds/circuits. And at the very end of the workout, you get a core bonus–3 more exercises done for 45 seconds each with 10 seconds of rest. Another great lower body workout! I felt this one more than I did Day 2: Ignite, though they are both excellent body weight strength workouts. I admit that my quads were still feeling a little sore from Ignite, so maybe that is why I felt this workout more. I don’t know. I do know it was an excellent metabolic workout that worked my lower body nicely.

Round 1:

  1. Pigeon chair sit hold (chair pose except one ankle is crossed over opposite knee in a figure 4)
  2. Repeat #1 on other leg
  3. Sumo alternating lunge knee drop (start in wide sumo squat, pivot to side into a lunge dropping knee to ground, pivot back to sumo squat then pivot to into lunge on the other side dropping knee to ground)
  4. Surfer jump catcher burpee (do a burpee and land in wide squat while holding hands in catcher position, do a 180 squat jump, keep repeating, always in catcher squat unless you are doing the burpee)
  5. Floor push off side hop (hinge forward with knees slightly bent, hands on floor, move laterally by first walking hands to side then jumping feet just past them, continue this hand/walk hop as far to one side as you have room for then return to start hand/walk hopping in the other direction)

Round 2:

  1. Squat alternating cross touch (squat with hands in prayer, while in squat, reach one hand to floor outside of opposite foot, alternate sides)
  2. Squat alternating rainbow (squat and touch both hands to floor outside of one foot and when you stand, arc (rainbow) arms overhead and squat again, tapping both hands to floor outside of other foot)
  3. Plie toe squat (lower into wide plie squat, raise heels and hold isometrically while pulsing)
  4. 4 bunny hops + 4 spider runs (lower into wide squat, hands reaching for floor between legs, in this position do 4 hops + 4 wide mountain climbers)
  5. Square hop + jump shot (4 jumps in the shape of a square + one jump shot)

Round 3:

  1. One leg squat hold pulse (balance squat on one leg, other leg is raised behind you with knee bent, while holding the balance squat isometrically, raised leg pushes out straight behind you then returns to starting position )
  2. Repeat #1 on other leg
  3. Toe squat hold adduction (lower into squat, raise heels and hold isometrically while opening and closing knees)
  4. Hands toes bear crawl (get on hands and toes with knees bent, in this position crawl forward 4 steps and backward 4 steps)
  5. 4 cross country run + 4 lunge jumps (4 ski runs + 4 alternating jump lunges)

Round 4:

  1. One leg bridge up (lay on back, one knee bent and heel on floor close to glutes, raise other leg straight to ceiling, in this position, raise and lower hips)
  2. Repeat #1 on other side of body
  3. Alternating narrow to wide squat (step out squats, alternate sides with a narrow squat between each side)
  4. Alternating reverse lunge + 2 foot hop (step back into reverse lunge then bring feet together and long jump forward back to start)
  5. Prisoner squat punch shuffle (squat with hands behind head + 2 cross punches + lateral jump to side)

Round 5:

  1. Straight leg deadlift (reach fingertips to ground while raising one leg straight behind you)
  2. Repeat #1 on other leg
  3. Chair hold alternating side reach (hold chair pose isometrically and reach hand across opposite foot to touch floor)
  4. 4 frog hops + burpee (in wide squat with hands reaching to ground, hop forward and back 4x then do one burpee)
  5. Prisoner high knees + switch kicks (with hands behind head do high knee run and when Jeff cues you, change to switch kicks)

Round 6:

  1. Reverse lunge + back kick
  2. Repeat #1 on other leg
  3. Sumo hold heel to toe rock (lower into sumo squat and hold isometrically while rocking forward and back from heels to toes)
  4. Walking plank kick through (walk forward and back in plank, with each step kick one leg under body to other side, alternating legs)
  5. 3-12-9 square hops (quarter turn squat jumps–side to front to other side)

Core Bonus:

  1. 2 pulse bicycle to extension (laying on back, bring elbow to opposite knee and pulse tap knee 2x then extend body long in a banana hold, alternate sides)
  2. V up + knee in (start in banana hold, raise into V hold then place hands on the floor beside hips and pull knees into chest)
  3. 8 Russian twists + one full sit up

Day 5: The Storm is 37:31 minutes; 1 minute intro, 2:15 minute warm up and 1:45 minute stretch. This workout is made up of 4 rounds/circuits. Each circuit contains 4 exercises that are repeated. Each exercise is done for 45 seconds followed by 15 seconds of recovery. Stu’s shirt was literally drenched in sweat by the end of this workout. OMG this workout was brutal. So many push ups. So many. This is definitely a chest and cardio workout. They call it a total body workout and, to be fair, they did manage to hit most of your muscle groups at least once with other exercises, but push up variations did most of the work. Of course, push ups are a total body exercise. They do work the chest the most, but they also work triceps, biceps, core and shoulders; basically almost every muscle in your body assists in some manner when doing a push up. So it is an excellent exercise. This was a very challenging workout. I was working very hard and, I will say, having now done it once, there will be a dread factor to returning to it. Not a fun workout–but a very effective one!

Round 1:

  1. Push up twist (do a push up, at top of push up twist body and head to look to the side but keep both hands on the floor, alternate sides with a push up between each side)
  2. Lunge + squat + squat jump
  3. Wide in/out plank + dive bomber (in wide leg plank, jump feet in to hands then back out to plank then do a dive bomber push up)
  4. Spider jump punch (wide mountain climbers, when leg is forward also punch same side hand forward)
  5. Repeat #1-4

Round 2:

  1. Pancake knee push up (push ups done in knee plank with hands in front of shoulders rather than under shoulders)
  2. 4 cross jacks + 4 side/side punch (cross jacks = squat jacks reaching hand to opposite foot when in squat; side/side punch =  long reach lunge punches, pivot hop when you change sides)
  3. Narrow to wide push up jack (push up jack with hands under shoulders + push up jack with arms wide)
  4. Table to donkey kick (hold reverse table top/crab briefly then quickly get on hands/toes and do a donkey kick)
  5. Repeat #1-4

Round 3:

  1. Rocking push up (start in pike, lower into plank while bringing knee to elbow outside of body, alternate sides)
  2. Power knee lunge jump (one knee pull + one stationary lunge jump)
  3. Pike press to narrow push up (alternate a pike push up with a tricep push up)
  4. Flutter frog pulse swim (4 swimmers + 4 supermans pulling arms back to goal post when you raise your chest and legs + 4 traditional supermans)
  5. Repeat #1-4

Round 4:

  1. Low plank in/out feet step (in elbow plank, walk feet out wide to narrow)
  2. X crunch jump + alternating standing side crunch (X crunch jump = plyometric jump with arms and legs wide in a X; standing side crunch = side knee raise bringing same side elbow to knee when it raises; alternate sides with an X crunch jump between each side)
  3. In/out plank + fingers out push up (get into plank with hands turned so fingers face the side, jump feet into hands then back out to plank + one push up)
  4. Burpee alternating lunge jump (one full burpee + 2 alternating lunge jumps)
  5. Repeat #1-4

Day 6: The Crucible is 37:44 minutes; 1:15 minute intro, 2 minute warm up and 2 minute stretch. This workout is made up of 32 exercise. Each exercise is done for 45 seconds followed by 15 seconds of recovery. No repeats and no breaks except the 15 seconds between exercises. This is a total body metabolic workout and it is tough. I was actually dreading this workout because it looked so tough when previewing it but Jeff & Stu actually structured it very nicely. Though every move is challenging, some are much more advanced than others. So every couple of exercises, you get something easier that doubles as a recovery move. I was still working hard and I burned more calories in the course of this workout than any of the other workouts in the Raw program. So this was tough! There were some advanced push up moves I had to modify but most of of the push ups were the standard variety–they were just paired with other exercises to make them more metabolic, so I was able to do most of them on my toes. Plus, unlike The Storm, this wasn’t push up heavy. So yay! I enjoyed this one much more than The Storm and I thought I would feel the opposite!

  1. One foot crawl out push up (start in pike with one foot crossed behind other ankle, walk hands out to 3 leg plank, do one push up then walk hands back to pike)
  2. Lunge hold runner (hold stationary lunge isometrically while doing fast running man arms)
  3. Reverse fly squat jack (squat jacks with reverse fly arms)
  4. 8 mountain climbers + suicide run (after doing the mountain climbers, get up and as far as you can in whatever room you are in, tap the floor, run back and drop back into plank for more mountain climbers)
  5. 2 arm curl crunch (start in banana hold with arms overhead, pull knees into chest, grab the back of your thighs and use your biceps to pull your torso up into a crunch)
  6. 4 snow angel + 4 push ups (snow angels = lay on stomach with arms extended in front of you, raise chest, arms and legs, pull elbows back to goal post then push arms forward while also opening and closing legs)
  7. 2 foot side hop + burpee (one lateral jump + one burpee)
  8. 4 moving jabs + sprint (shuffle forward while doing 4 single arm jabs to the side then high knee sprint until Jeff cues you to shuffle jab in the other direction (back to starting position) using the other arm)
  9. Plyo one leg bridge up (lay on back, one knee is bent with other foot on floor, other leg is raised to ceiling, push floor foot off the floor while also raising hips)
  10. Walk out push up + walk in hop (start stranding, hinge forward and walk out to plank, do a push up, walk hands back to feet, stand and hop)
  11. Volleyball + spike hop bump (jump while simulating striking a volleyball, land in squat, jump forward with hands clasped between legs and swing arms forward as if “bumping” a volleyball, shuffle back to start)
  12. Bear plank alternating step out (bear plank = on hands and toes with knees bent, while holding bear plank, alternate tapping legs/toes out to side)
  13. 4 arm circle X jump + 4 squat kicks (air jacks with wide arm circles + alternating squat front kicks)
  14. Around the head slam (while in wide squat, pretend to hold a large ball, circle ball from floor to side to overhead then slam ball down to floor, alternate sides)
  15. Side/side walking plank + 8 mountain climbers (side walk while in plank as far as you are able based on room size, do 8 mountain climbers then side plank walk back to start)
  16. Side/side low rotation chop (clasp hands with arms extended straight in front of you, pivot lunge side to side, swinging straight arms side to side with you)
  17. Speed skater one leg hop (regular speed skater but do a single leg hop each side–one speed skater, bring back leg forward into a knee raise hop then repeat on other side)
  18. Dive bomb to donkey kick (one dive bomber push up + one donkey kick; donkey kick = on hands and toes with knees bent, plyo kick legs up into the air)
  19. 8 jumping jacks + 360 plank scramble (360 plank scramble = in plank, “scramble” in a full circle–Jeff is in more of a bear/beast position with knees bent)
  20. Low reverse lunge + forward lunge (pendulum lunge while staying low)
  21. 8 core scissors + 8 tricep dips (core scissors =  lay on back and scissor straight legs)
  22. Bridge up to V up (reverse table top into a full boat pose, change exercise on Jeff’s cue)
  23. Narrow squat jumping jack (squat jacks–remain in squat the entire time)
  24. Hi/low jabs + moving upper cuts (facing the side, do one high and one low side jab then shuffle to the side while doing 4 alternating upper cuts)
  25. 8 mountain climbers hi/low (8 straight arm mountain climbers alternated with 8 forearm mountain climbers)
  26. Long jump + back pedal (long jump forward then wide fast feet football run back to start)
  27. 4 one arm plank punch + hop in/out (in straight arm plank, punch same arm in front of you 4x the jump feet into hands and back out to plank, repeat on other arm)
  28. 4 rocking push up to hop (4 bear push ups + one hop while in squat)
  29. Hands foot criss cross jack (criss-cross jacks, crossing both the hands and the feet)
  30. Commando to downward facing dog (start in forearm plank, raise to straight arm plank and push back to down dog, return to plank and lower back to forearms)
  31. 2 narrow + 2 wide tuck jumps
  32. Square leap high knees (long jump forward, high knee run sideways, jump backwards, high knee run sideways back to start; Stu is using the mat to measure how far he runs to the side)

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